Our story...
Our story begins as our founders George and John Miller, father and son reflected on the state of affairs of the financial services industry back in 2013. The country was still well into the process of trying to reemerge from the “Great Recession” and loss of so many financial institutions linked to helping everyday people establish wealth and build a legacy for themselves and their families. They also recognized the void of financial services companies that had a proclivity for philanthropy and helping people for the sake of building them up and making their lives better. So with that, the experience of both gentlemen was brought together.
George C. Miller Jr., with his long-rooted experience in commercial banking, finance, and management consulting, well over 40 years of experience in these areas. John E. Miller, with over 23 years of experience in financial advisory, retail brokerage, and investment products. The two agreed that it was such a natural fit to bring these two important areas together that they might be the greatest help to their clients and the communities in which they serve. But most importantly, George and John see the tremendous value of a father and son “building together.” Allow us the opportunity to work with you, grow with you, and celebrate with you once the goals that we will help you identify are reached.
George C. Miller Jr., with his long-rooted experience in commercial banking, finance, and management consulting, well over 40 years of experience in these areas. John E. Miller, with over 23 years of experience in financial advisory, retail brokerage, and investment products. The two agreed that it was such a natural fit to bring these two important areas together that they might be the greatest help to their clients and the communities in which they serve. But most importantly, George and John see the tremendous value of a father and son “building together.” Allow us the opportunity to work with you, grow with you, and celebrate with you once the goals that we will help you identify are reached.